Duubistii 12/17/20 HOME Line COVID-19 lana xiriira shuruucda guryaha kirada ah ee gobalka Minnesota by Zeynab Egale
Bishii Disembar 17deedi, HOME Line wuxuu martigeliyay webinar bilaash ah si uu ula wadaago macluumaad ku saabsan arrimaha sharciga ee hadda jira oo ey wajahayaan kireystayaasha Minnesota inta uu faafayo cudurka COVID-19. Waxaan si kooban u dulmarnay xaaladda joojinta guri ka saaridda ee hadda ka jirta Minnesota.
HOME Line wuxuu marti-gelinayay webinarro ilaa bartamihii Abriil la xiriira COVID-19 iyo sida uu u saameeyay milkiileyaasha iyo kireystayaasha Minnesota. In ka badan 3,100 kirayste, shaqaalaha bulshada(social workers) iyo milkiileyaasha guryaha ayaa daawaday bandhigyadan tooska ah, halka in ka badan 1,700 ay daawadeen kii la duubay.
Waxaan rejeyneynaa inuu tababarkan waxtar kuu lahaa. Fadlan iskuday inaad siiso tabarucaad (tax-deductible) ah si loo taageero shaqadeena adoo gujinaya halkan.
Recording of 12/17/20 HOME Line COVID-19 rental housing legal webinar by Zeynab Eagle
On December 17, HOME Line hosted a free webinar to share information about current legal issues that Minnesota renters are facing during the COVID-19 pandemic. We gave a brief overview of the current eviction suspension situation in Minnesota.
HOME Line has been hosting webinars since mid-April on COVID-19 and how it affects Minnesota landlords and tenants. Over 3,100 tenants, social workers and landlords have watched these live presentations and over 1,700 have watched recorded versions.
We hope this training was helpful to you. Please consider giving a tax-deductible donation to support our work by clicking here.