On Thursday, March 3rd at 6:00 PM, HOME Line held an online webinar about an often overlooked, but quickly growing area for engaging and organizing renters, the suburbs. HOME Line organizer Regan Reeck hosted a panel discussion highlighting the challenges and tactics of organizing in the Twin Cities metro suburbs.
Our panel featured two experienced community organizers. Fadumo Mohamed, a housing organizer with ACER whose work includes the ‘Just Cause’ ordinance in Brooklyn Center and Margaret Perez, whose organizing work spans the suburban Twin Cities through her work with the City of Bloomington’s Public Health Division and Metropolitan Council HRA.
Please note that we will provide general organizing information and practical advice during this webinar. If you are a renter in Minnesota and you have a legal question about your specific housing situation, please contact our free tenant hotline: 612-728-5767.
We hope this training was helpful to you. Please consider giving a tax-deductible donation to support our work.