In April, our VISTA Cohort Members started preparing and brainstorming together about what life looks like after their VISTA year – Another VISTA year? Staying on at their host sites full time? Further education? Moving onto a full-time job or apprenticeship? Our April cohort retreat got this conversation started, and we’ll keep it going through […]
HOME Line Request for Proposals: Seeking Host Sites for 2024-25 AmeriCorps VISTA Tenant Organizer Cohort
Application deadline May 15, 2024 @5pm CST HOME Line, in partnership with AmeriCorps, seeks proposals from organizations interested in hosting a full-time AmeriCorps VISTA Tenant Organizer during the fall 2024-25 program year. A HOME Line VISTA Tenant Organizer enables your organization to support low-income tenants in rental properties. This cohort of tenant organizers, placed in up […]
HOME Line VISTA Program March Highlights
The HOME Line VISTA Members had a busy March, as you’ll see in the Member Highlights on our website. We had successful midyear site visits, a shared training with MN Alliance with Youth about Youth Voice and Youth & Adult Partnerships, and reconnected at a midyear retreat, where we mapped our mycelial networks to see […]
HOME Line VISTA Cohort February Highlights
The VISTA Members marked their halfway point of their service year at the end of February, and their work continues to become more connected to each other. Collectively this month, our VISTA Members focused on resource mobilization and grantwriting training to help their organizations build capacity via resources. In addition, our VISTA friends at LiteracyMN […]
HOME Line VISTA Cohort January Highlights
The Cohort members have really hit the ground running at the beginning of this year, putting more work into action with their various projects including facilitation tenant rights trainings, supporting local tenant associations, and building out organizational capacity to begin tenant support programs. In January, the VISTA Cohort completed their third training share experience with four […]