Michael Dahl
Public Policy Director
Email: michaeld@homelinemn.org
(612) 728-5770 x101

Michael has over 28 years of professional experience working on economic and social justice issues (primarily through advocacy at the Minnesota State Capitol), including eight years as HOME Line’s Public Policy Director.
In his earlier work with HOME Line, Michael fashioned successful grassroots and direct lobbying strategies to secure significant portions of what was called the Minnesota Tenant Bill of Rights. This campaign – a team effort with Legal Services Advocacy Project – resulted in saving tenants millions of dollars each year on screening fees, late fees, attorney fees, and improperly withheld security deposits. HOME Line, with Michael leading advocacy efforts and in partnership with the Minnesota Budget Project, also fought off attempts to decrease the Renter’s Property Tax Refund. And during this past legislative session, Michael led the legislative charge, including multiple new laws that will be the most substantial change in Minnesota tenant/landlord law in a single session of the Legislature in the 165-year history of the state.
Michael’s other work experience includes 11 years as Executive Director at the Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless, three years as Director of the Minnesota Food Charter Network, three years as Advocacy Coordinator for Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative, and three years as the Social and Economic Justice Advocate with the Minnesota Public Interest Research Group.
Michael lives in St. Paul with his wonderful wife, Rebecca, and rambunctious pup, Luca. He is an avid heirloom vegetable gardener, loves dark chocolate, and often closes his emails with the phrase “Do justice and stay snazzy.”